After you have created a course, you will also need to create a certificate for it.  To create a certificate, select Create Certificate under Certificates.

  • Type in a name of the certificate you would like to create (it will usually have the same name as the course).
  • For the Template field, change it to the “default” template. 
  • Under Years Valid, enter the number of years you would like to set this certificate to be valid from the date the user earns the certificate.  If you leave this field blank, then the certificate will be valid until the set expiration date of the certificate.
  • In the Expiration Date field, type in or select a date from the calendar that you would like the certificate to expire.  If you leave this field blank, then the certificate will only expire if you have a “Years Valid” set.


Note:  If both a “Years Valid” and “Expiration Date” are entered, the certificate will be set according to whichever date comes first.  So if the years valid is set to 3 years, but the expiration date is set to 30/05/12, then the certificate will expire on 30/05/12 and no longer be valid after that date because that date will be reached before the 3 years set. 

If you want the certificate to be indefinitely valid or to never expire, leave both the “Years Valid” and “Expiration Date” fields blank.  You may go back and edit this information if you need to later.


  • Click the Create button to create the certificate.

After creating the certificate, you will be taken to the Certificate Information screen where you will need to set a prerequisite course.  When users take the prerequisite course, they will earn the corresponding certificate you created earlier.

  • Under Certificate Requirements, select Course from the drop-down menu.
  • Type in the name of the desired certificate requirement in the blank field to the right of the drop-down menu.  As you type, a drop-down list will appear with the results narrowing down accordingly.  Select the correct title from the list to automatically complete the field.

Click Add Requirement to set the certificate requirement.