To set the expiration date for a course registration, go to the user’s information/transcript page by finding the user in the User Browser and clicking on their User ID number.  Then click on the Transcript tab to view the user’s course transcript.

  • Click on the Registration ID number for the registration you would like to set the expiration date, and you will be taken to the Registration Information page for that registration.

  • On the Registration Information page, click Edit Information at the top.

  • In the Expiration Date field, either type or use the calendar icon to select the date of when you would like this course to expire for this user.  Choose 3 or 6 months from the registration date by scrolling through the months on the calendar clicking on the ">" symbol.  Choose 1 year from the registration date by clicking on the ">>" symbol.  Click on a date on the calendar to select the date.

  • Click the Update Information button.

  • Repeat steps above for each registration to set the expiration date. 
  • To return to the user’s transcript, you can click on “User Information/Transcripts” in the bread crumb navigation bar (green bar at the top of the page where you see the trail of pages you have taken in between each “>>” symbol.