To view a list of all course registrations/enrollments during a certain period of time, select the Browse Registrations option under Registrations.  This screen displays all user registrations including their dealer, courses, course sections, registration date, completion date, last attendance date, score, and registration status.

Clicking on the following items will take you to their corresponding screens.

  • Registration ID number -> Registration Information for that registration
  • Name of user -> User Information for that user
  • Username -> User Information for that user
  • Course Title -> Course Information for that course

The Registration Browser screen, by default, will show all registrations from the first day of the current month to the current date (listing the most recent registrations first).  To display registrations for a different date range, adjust the filter by clicking in the date boxes and changing the dates or by clicking on the calendar icons and selecting dates from the calendars.  Click Apply Filters to filter the results according to the new date range you set.

Registration Information

On the Registration Browser page, click on a Registration ID number to view the Registration Information page. 

The Registration Information screen allows you to view details regarding a user's progress in a course.  The details listed here are similar to those listed in the User Transcript.  In addition, you will find the user’s date of last attendance in the course, estimated time spent in the course, final score, and completion status.

  • To edit the user’s course details (e.g.  change the final score or status), click on Edit Information.