To view a list of courses available in this community, select the Browse Courses option under Courses. By default, only not disabled courses will be listed here.
Clicking on the following items will take you to their corresponding screens.
- Course ID number -> Course Information for that course
- Students -> User Browser listing all users who are enrolled in that course
Clicking on a Course ID number will take you to the Course Information screen for that specific course. Here, you can view the course’s detailed information, including the number of learners enrolled in the course, a description of the course, prerequisites, the passing score, the duration, the status of the course, the uploader, and more.
- Statistics - Clicking on number of learners under Statistics will take you to the User Browser page listing the information for all users enrolled in this course.
- Course Development – Administrators can edit the course using our Authoring Tool.
- Prerequisites - Add prerequisites or click on the individual courses listed under Prerequisites to view the Course Information page for those courses which are prerequisites to the course on this page.