The Create User screen allows you to add new users to the TMHU Learning Center.  Here you will be able to enter the user’s account information (including username, password, first name, last name, email address, status, group, and permission set.). 

  • Fill out the user’s detailed information.
  • Choose a Permission Set from the drop-down menu.  (See below for explanations of permission sets.)
  • The Group, by default, will be “Learner.”  If would like to change the user’s group, click in the Group field with your mouse and begin typing.  A drop-down list of groups will appear and narrow down as you type.  (See below for explanations of groups.)
  • Check the desired access boxes.  (See below for explanations of access boxes.)
  • If you would like the new user to receive an email confirming their registration, check the “Send Welcome Email” box.
  • Click Create to create the user.

Permission Sets determine what users of a permission set can or cannot view/manage in the Administration Tool.

Note that only the following three permission sets are applicable to TMHU.

  • Client Administrator have full access to the Administration Tool and can view and manage all users and courses within their LMS.  Note that access to the Administration Tool is only granted if the “Admin” checkbox is also checked.
  • None is used to generally denote all learners who do not have access to the Administration Tool but have full access to the Learning Center.
  • Groups are used to identify groups of users.
  • Each Location will be a group (For example: “Margaritaville” would be a group)
  • Access Checkboxes denote Learning Center and Administration Tool access.
  • Admin – A user is considered an administrator in the TMHU LMS only if the “Admin” checkbox is checked.  Having the word “Admin” in the user's group name does not necessarily mean that a user in that group is an administrator.  Thus, administrator rights are assigned individually through this checkbox. 
  • Learner checkbox – A user (of any permission set and group) can access the Learning Center only if this checkbox is checked.  By default, this box is checked for all new users.  Uncheck this box only if you do not want a user to have access to the Learning Center. 
  • Content Reviewer - This box gives access to the Content Review page for viewing/reviewing courses in staging status.