The User Information/Transcripts tab allows you to view the user’s account information and course enrollments.  Click on the Transcripts tab to view the user’s transcripts, waitlisted sections, certificates, and to add a new registration.

View Transcript lists all courses the user is registered in.  The details on this screen include the registration date, completion date, last attendance date, score, status, and prerequisites.  This screen also allows administrators to clear exam attempts or unregister a specific user from courses.

  • Each course includes detailed information about the user’s progress in the course (such as when they registered for the course, when/if they completed the course, their most recent score, and their completion status).
  • Click on the Registration ID of a course to view the user’s Registration Information, which includes the registration date, the last date the course was accessed, estimated time spent in the course, final score, and completion status.

View Certificates lists all the certificates that the user has earned, including the issue date, the date the user accessed the certificate, and certificate expiration date.  Click on View to view a copy of the user’s certificate.

New Registration displays a list of Available Courses that the user can be registered in.  Use the filters to narrow your search to a specific catalog, course ID, course title, course code, or course type. 

  • Click the Register link to register a user in a particular course.

The Registration Information screen allows you to:

  • To Force Completion for a course, click on the Registration ID number for the course you would like to force a completion.  Then click on Edit Information and fill in the Completion Date, Final Score, and Status.  Click Update Information to save the course completion.