To view a list of all users in a community, select the Browse Users option under Users.  This screen shows the User ID number, Username, Name, Email Address, Group Name, Date of Creation, Last Login, Courses (completed and enrolled), Status, Permission Set, etc.  Use the filters to narrow your search results. 

Clicking on the following items will take you to their corresponding screens.

  • User ID number -> User Information for that user
  • Courses (1st column) -> Registration Browser listing all users who have completed that course
  • Courses (2nd column) -> Registration Browser listing all users who are enrolled in that course

User Information

Click on a user’s User ID number in the User Browser to view the user's User Information screen

This screen displays details about the user, including the number of courses the user is enrolled in and has completed, the user’s status and the user’s last login date.

  • If you need to view the user’s password or edit any of the information on this screen, select Edit Information under the Tasks tab.
  • Select the Transcript button at the top of the screen to view all courses that the user is enrolled in or has completed.  You can also enroll the user into new courses or make changes to their current transcript.

Edit User Information

Click on a user’s Edit Information link on the User Information page to view the user's password or change any of their account information.  Edit the desired details, and click the Update Information button to save your changes