From the left-hand menu of the Administration Tool, you can access the following options:

  • Communities: Browse and create communities of users (including all corresponding courses, programs, registrations, certificates, catalogs, documents, and locations available to them); create/edit bulletins for a community of users.
  • Users: Browse and create users in the system.  You can view and change user information, add new users, view transcripts, enroll/remove users from courses, check/change a user’s completion status, set up new users and access the training summary report.
  • Groups: Browse and create groups of users, this is a way to divide learners by territories and dealerships. This also provides a group hierarchy, users cannot view the learners in any group above them in the hierarchy.
  • Courses: Browse training courses that have been created. TMHU Administrators can view course descriptions, enrollments, completions, and the status of a course.  Administrators can also create and browse course sections.
  • Programs: Browse and create programs for courses and all their supplemental parts. 
  • Registrations: Browse and view course registrations.  You can also view course registrations by users (including registration and completion dates, date of last attendance, scores, and completion status).
  • Certificates: Browse and create certificates and certifications that are earned or can be earned by users for completing courses and programs.
  • Catalogs: Browse and create a list of courses that have been grouped into catalogs or specialty libraries. 
  • Documents: Browse and upload documents that may be used to supplement a course.
  • Locations: Browse and create locations that are used
  • Notifications: Browse notifications that are sent to users.
  • Logs: Download log reports for incomplete programs, complete programs and course section completions.

Expanding and Collapsing Menu Items

Click on the individual bold menu items bar to expand (reveal) and collapse (hide) their corresponding submenu items.